
Posts Tagged ‘pork’

Tomato and Sausage risotto a la Smitten Kitchen and Martha Stewart

Deb over at Smitten Kitchen always has breathtaking food on her site. Sometimes the recipes she features seem a bit too involved for me, but she never fails to stun the eyes with her expert photography and give me a chuckle with her fast-paced prose. After giving in and trying her delightful buttery tomato sauce that graced our homemade pasta, I decided to put my faith in her once more a few nights ago. (more…)

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Bacon Waffles

Crispy, savory, irresistable, bacon-filled waffles

Jen bought a waffle iron for me when I finished writing my undergraduate thesis, which was a horrid affair. While the gesture was sweet, I knew it was an appliance I wouldn’t use much. Ever since though, she’s tried to convince me that it’s not a dreaded “uni-tasker” by making me treats with it that I can’t possibly turn my sweet-snubbing-nose up at. These are one such waffle. They are crispy and just savory enough that they go well with a drizzle of maple sugar.

I know she won’t be ashamed if I tell you that we outright stole the idea from the Wafels and Dinges truck that’s been making its way around the streets of New York hawking delectable Belgian treats. If you can’t make it to the truck, as I don’t know of any others outside of New York, try our version of these waffles with a bit of powdered sugar and a drip of hot fudge. They still aren’t as good as the ones Wafels and Dinges sells, but they are pretty close. (On a separate note, if you can find the truck in your area, be sure to get a lèige waffle with speculoos spread which is like molten graham crackers).


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Stir fry still sizzling hot in the pan.

Winter is still holding on to us tight here in New York. Today we had what I hope will be our last snow of the season. Most vegetables are coming out of my freezer and pantry these days, look instead of fresh from the market. Earlier this winter, when everything was fresher, I was content to have simple veggies on the side without much extra preparation. Now, with a bit of winter food boredom setting in, my freezer vegetable stash requires a bit of spicing up.

This stir-fry was thrown together a few nights ago. The warmth and spiciness were perfect for a blustery winter night, while the occasional light crunch and bit of bright green served to remind me that spring is on its way. (more…)

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